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Creation and Configuration of Accepted Domain in Exchange server 2013

wpedbtopst | August 10th, 2015 | exchange 2013

One of the biggest advantage of Exchange Server is it allows setting up a line, ensuring that only authoritative messages can enter or leave the domain. In the entire process, Accepted domains play an important role. In this segment we will check out how to create Accepted domain in Exchange Server and configure it.

Accepted Domain: It is a SMTP domain under which MS Exchange Server is allowed to accept the incoming emails. They can either be relays or authoritative domains that are installed on machines with Edge Transport Server role installed.
Before we Start…
The name of accepted domain cannot be same as that of a remote domain that is configured already.
For the SMTP namespace, check out and verify the public domain name system (DNS) MX resource record.

Create Accepted Domain using PowerShell:

You can use the New-AcceptedDomain command in order to create an accepted domain in an organization. Following are the example and the syntax to get started with it.

For Creating Authoritative Domain:

For Creating Internal Relay Domain:

For Creating External Relay Domain:



Configure Accepted Domain as Authoritative

It is a good idea to configure an authoritative domain if the recipients’ mailboxes in the SMTP name space of the domain are hosted on an accepted domain. For this, the Exchange Admin Console in Exchange 2013 can be used.

  • Open EAC and move down to select the option “Mail Flow”. Select “Accepted Domains” and click “Add+”.
  • Enter a name for the accepted domain in the text box provided for the “Name” field. For every accepted domain in the organization, there must be a unique name that will be displayed on screen.
  • Fill in the entry for “Accepted domain” field. Also provide SMTP namespace for the organization that will be responsible to accept messages.
  • Make a selection for “Authoritative domain”. This is meant for the emails that are relayed to the servers within the organization for the Accepted domain. Click on “Save” button.

Following these simple steps, an accepted domain for an Exchange organization can be created that offers security benefits along with ease at filtering messages from SMTP addresses.

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